
Bloodborne Pathogens Course Practice Test

As a Basic Life Support Instructor, I sometimes take the time to create practice tests for students to see how well the information has been maintained. The American Heart Association doesn't always have a test for a class and I sometimes have students ask for a pretest to get ideas on what the class covers. I wrote this test a few years ago and thought I would put it here for people to use. I will post the answers for it tomorrow. :)

1. What are Bloodborne Pathogens?
A. Germs in the blood that make people sick
B. Germs in the air that make people sick
C. Germs in all bodily fluids that make people sick
D. Germs in the environment that make people sick

2. Bloodborne pathogens training teaches....
A. How to act if an exposure to a bloodborne pathogen occurs
B. The employee to quickly leave the scene of a blood spill
C. How to clean up a blood spill without personal protective equipment
D. Safe handling of blood without wearing gloves

3. What does the 'P' in PACT stand for?
A. Power
B. Pathogen
C. Protect
D. Pulmonary

4. The main ways bloodborne pathogens can enter the body and make you sick include...
A. Picking up a towel with a small drop of blood while wearing gloves
B. Getting stuck with a sharp object that has blood on it
C. Wearing gloves with blood on them
D. Wearing gloves and picking up a container that has blood inside it

5. Which one of these symptoms is not a symptom of HIV/ AIDS?
A. Swollen glands and unexplained fever
B. Poor appetite with rapid weight loss
C. Manic or strong energy
D. Increased chance of catching other illnesses

6. Universal precautions refers to what?
A. Treating all bodily fluids as if it is infectious.
B. Wearing UV sunglasses outside.
C. Never leaving your house.
D. Protecting yourself against Universal aliens.

7. The purpose of (rubber) gloving up is to what?
A. Provide a sterile environment.
B. Make you look professional.
C. Keep your fingerprints out of the scene.
D. Protect
8. What is the best way to dispose of needles and other sharps?
A. After using the sharp, carefully dispose of it into a sharps disposal container
B. After using sharp, throw object directly into nearest trash container
C. Cap the needle and discard into a trash container
D. After using the sharp, carefully dispose of it into a biohazard waste bag

9. Washing Hands and skin after exposure
A. is not always necessary
B. is done with soap and large amounts of water
C. is not necessary if gloves are worn
D. is not necessary if waterless hand sanitizers are available and used

10. Which one of these symptoms is not a symptom of Hepatitis?
A. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
B. Damage to the liver
C. Unexplained tiredness
D. Inflammation and contusions all over the body

11. Personal protective equipment may include all but:
A. goggles and/ or face shields
B. gown, apron, booties or shoe covers
C. cap or hood
D. sunglasses and work gloves

12. Biohazard waste warning labels are usually what color?
A. Black
B. Red
C. Orange
D. Yellow

13. What does the 'C' in PACT stand for?
A. Clean
B. Cardiac
C. Control
D. Content

14. An exposure control plan contains specific details and instructions on how to clean up a mess with blood- containing materials. All of the following usually part of that plan except:
A. Use the appropriate personal protective equipment
B. Dispose of cleaning materials and any personal protective equipment in the appropriate waste containers.
C. use absorbent materials to wipe up large amounts of blood
D. watching your co-workers struggle to clean and taping it all for posterity

15. You have cleaned up a blood spill and have removed your gloves. To protect yourself you should also:
A. Use waterless hand sanitizer
B. Wash hands immediately with soap and large amounts of water
C. Go to the break room for a glass of water and to fill out the necessary paperwork
D. Put the gloves in the closest trash can

16. What are the main diseases of concern when discussing the blood borne pathogen standard?

17. How many days can Hepatitis C live in dry blood?
A. 1 day
B. 4 days
C. 7 days
D. 14 days

18. What site of the human body is the most common site for TB disease?
A. Brain
B. Kidneys
C. Lungs
D. Liver

19. Hepatitis B and C can be spread by:
A. Having unprotected sex with an infected person.
B. Blood-to-blood contact with an infected person.
C. Eating food or drinking water infected with feces.
D. Both a and b.

20. Which of these is not a common entry point for bloodborne pathogens to enter the body?
A. Eyes and nose
B. Ears
C. Cuts or injuries in skin surface
D. Mouth

21. What does the 'A' in PACT stand for?
A. Assess
B. Act
C. Asphyxiate
D. Action

22. What is the single most effective form of protection for you and others during a bloodborne pathogen exposure?
A. Vaccination
B. Not eating in contaminated areas
C. Clean clothing
D. Hand washing

23. If you are exposed to potentially infectious materials on the job, you may request a vaccine for which bloodborne disease?
B. Syphilis
C. Hepatitis B
D. Brucellosis

24. Bloodborne pathogens may enter your system through:
A. open sores / skin abrasions
B. dermatitis
C. mucous membranes
D. all of the above

25. What does the 'T' in PACT stand for?
A. Talk
B. Tell
C. Touch
D. Time

Feedback and comments are welcome! Enjoy :)

pictures from: http://floridahomeboundfhb.com/Initial_orientation/Bloodborne/bloodb.php, http://www.slideshare.net/glenbrooksouth/blood-borne-pathogen-training

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